Ana Anan Resort & Villas 酒店座落在泰国海湾的原始海岸线上,位于海滩上,是一个宁静幽静的风景独特的避风港。
这个度假村拥有263间客房和别墅,在点缀着热带花园和Na Jomtien沙滩之间的波光粼粼的海岸,将轻松的奢华与环保精神融为一体。远离城市的喧嚣,让您沉浸在崇高的海滨生活的舒缓精神中。
从壮观的海景到现代时尚的室内设计,宁静的避风港将海滨体验带到焕然一新的高度。 您可以在天空泳池畅游,或沉浸在私人海滨别墅的下沉式浴缸中,观赏泰国湾雄伟的海浪以带走你的烦恼。
Ana Anan Resort & Villas 酒店享有当地和国际美食,并提供各种各样的餐饮场所。无论您喜欢日落时的海边晚餐,还是黄昏时的屋顶鸡尾酒,您都可以品尝由泰国当地著名厨师精心烹制的正宗泰国和欧陆风味美食。
Set on a soft sandy beach, the 263 rooms and villas of Ana Anan Resort & Villas Pattaya combine the best elements of stay, style and sustainability in a setting that combines all the best elements of a tropical paradise.
查看房间Enjoy breathtaking experience through our various facilities, from spa, fitness, lounge, swimming pool, and even kids club for your children.
View moreAn enticing haven to escape to, every room and villa is imbued with a bespoke offering of unparalleled privacy and luxury.